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The Athena Framework comes with a built-in integration with the Athena::Console component. This integration can be a way to define alternate entry points into your business logic, such as for use with scheduled jobs (Cron, Airflow, etc), or one-off internal/administrative things (running migrations, creating users, etc) all the while sharing the same dependencies due to it also leveraging dependency injection.

Basic Usage#

Similar to event listeners, console commands can simply be registered as a service to be automatically registered. If using the preferred ACONA::AsCommand annotation, they are registered in a lazy fashion, meaning only the command(s) you execute will actually be instantiated.

@[ACONA::AsCommand("admin:create-user", description: "Creates a new internal user")]
class AdminCreateUser < ACON::Command
  # A constructor can be defined to leverage existing services if applicable
  #def initialize(
  #  @some_serive : MyService
  #  # Just be sure to call `super()`!
  #  super()

  # Configure the command by adding arguments, options, aliases, etc.
  protected def configure : Nil
      .argument("id", :required, "The employee's ID")
      .argument("name", :required, "The user's name")
      .argument("email", :optional, "The user's email. Assumed to be first.last if not provided")
      .option("admin", nil, :none, "If the user should be created as an internal admin")

  protected def execute(input : ACON::Input::Interface, output : ACON::Output::Interface) : ACON::Command::Status
    # Provides a standardized format for how to display text in the terminal
    style = input, output

    input.argument "id", Int32   # => 12
    name = input.argument "name" # => "George Dietrich"
    input.argument "email"       # => nil
    input.option "admin", Bool   # => true

    # Implement your business logic

    style.success "Successfully created a user for #{name}!"

    # Note the command executed successfully

From here, if the application was created using the skeleton, commands can be executed via shards run console -- admin:create-user 12 "George Dietrich" --admin. Otherwise ATH.run_console can be used for your entrypoint file.


During development the console binary needs to re-build the application in order to have access to the changes made since last execution. When deploying a production console binary, or if not doing any new console command dev, build it with the --release flag for increased performance.

Built-in Commands#

The framework also comes with some helpful built-in commands to either help with debugging, or provide framework specific features. See each command within the ATH::Commands namespace for more information.