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annotation Athena::Routing::Annotations::Route #

Annotation representation of an ART::Route. Most commonly this will be applied to a method to define it as the controller for the related route, but could also be applied to a controller class to apply defaults to all other ARTA::Route within it. Custom implementations may support alternate APIs. See ART::Route for more information.


Various fields can be used within this annotation to control how the route is created. All fields are optional unless otherwise noted.


Not all fields may be supported by the underlying implementation.


Type: String | Hash(String, String) - required

The path of the route.


Type: String

The unique name of the route. If not provided, a unique name should be created automatically.


Type: Hash(String, String | Regex)

A Hash of patterns that each parameter must match in order for the route to match.


Type: Hash(String, _)

The values that should be applied to the route parameters if they were not supplied within the request.


Type: String | Regex

Require the host header to match this value in order for the route to match.


Type: String | Enumerable(String)

A whitelist of the HTTP methods this route supports.


Type: String | Enumerable(String)

A whitelist of the HTTP schemes this route supports.


Type: ART::Route::Condition

A callback used to dynamically determine if the request matches the route.


Type: Int32

A value used to control the order the routes are registered in. A higher value means that route will be registered earlier.


Type: String

Allows setting the locale this route supports. Sets the special _locale route parameter.


Type: String

Allows setting the format this route supports. Sets the special _format route parameter.


Type: Bool

If the route should be cached or not.