enum Athena::Framework::BinaryFileResponse::ContentDisposition
Represents the possible content-disposition header values.
Attachment = 0
Indicates that the file should be downloaded.
Inline = 1
Indicates that the browser should display the file inside the Web page, or as the Web page.
#to_s : String
Returns a String
representation of this enum member.
In the case of regular enums, this is just the name of the member.
In the case of flag enums, it's the names joined by vertical bars, or "None",
if the value is zero.
If an enum's value doesn't match a member's value, the raw value is returned as a string.
Color::Red.to_s # => "Red"
IOMode::None.to_s # => "None"
(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write).to_s # => "Read | Write"
Color.new(10).to_s # => "10"