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class Athena::Console::Style::Athena
inherits Athena::Console::Style::Output #

Default implementation of ACON::Style::Interface that provides a slew of helpful methods for formatting output.

Uses ACON::Helper::AthenaQuestion to improve the appearance of questions.

protected def execute(input : ACON::Input::Interface, output : ACON::Output::Interface) : ACON::Command::Status
  style = input, output

  style.title "Some Fancy Title"

  # ...




#ask(question : String, default : String | Nil)#


#ask(question : ACON::Question::Base)#


#ask_hidden(question : String)#

Helper method for asking hidden ACON::Question questions.

#block(messages : String | Enumerable(String), type : String | Nil = nil, style : String | Nil = nil, prefix : String = " ", padding : Bool = false, escape : Bool = true) : Nil#

Helper method for outputting blocks of messages that powers the #caution, #success, #note, etc. methods. It includes various optional parameters that can be used to print customized blocks.

If type is provided, its value will be printed within []. E.g. [TYPE].

If style is provided, each of the messages will be printed in that style.

prefix represents what each of the messages should be prefixed with.

If padding is true, empty lines will be added before/after the block.

If escape is true, each of the messages will be escaped via ACON::Formatter::Output.escape.

#caution(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


! [CAUTION] Some Message

White text on a 3 line red background block with an empty line above/below the block.

#choice(question : String, choices : Indexable | Hash, default = nil)#

Helper method for asking ACON::Question::Choice questions.

#comment(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


// Some Message

White text with one empty line above/below the message(s).

#confirm(question : String, default : Bool = true) : Bool#

Helper method for asking ACON::Question::Confirmation questions.

#create_progress_bar(max : Int32 | Nil = nil) : ACON::Helper::ProgressBar#

Creates and returns an ACON::Helper::ProgressBar, optionally with the provided max amount of steps.

#create_table : ACON::Helper::Table#

Creates and returns an Athena styled ACON::Helper::Table instance.

#definition_list(*rows : String | ACON::Helper::Table::Separator | Enumerable(Tuple(K, V))) : Nil forall K, V#

Formats a list of key/value pairs horizontally.


Mappable when/if is implemented.

#error(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


[ERROR] Some Message

White text on a 3 line red background block with an empty line above/below the block.

#error_style : self#

Returns a new instance of self that outputs to the error output.

#horizontal_table(headers : Enumerable, rows : Enumerable) : Nil#

Sames as #table, but horizontal

#info(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


[INFO] Some Message

Green text with two empty lines above/below the message(s).

#listing(elements : Enumerable) : Nil#

Formats and prints a bulleted list containing the provided elements.

* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

White text with one empty line above/below the list.

#listing(*elements : String) : Nil#


* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

White text with one empty line above/below the list.

#new_line(count : Int32 = 1) : Nil#


#note(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


! [NOTE] Some Message

Green text with one empty line above/below the message(s).

#print(messages : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil#


#progress_advance(by step : Int32 = 1) : Nil#

Advances the internal ACON::Helper::ProgressBar by the provided amount of steps.

#progress_finish : Nil#

Completes the internal ACON::Helper::ProgressBar.

#progress_iterate(enumerable : Enumerable(T), max : Int32 | Nil = nil, & : T -> Nil) : Nil forall T#

#progress_start(max : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Nil#

Starts an internal ACON::Helper::ProgressBar, optionally with the provided max amount of steps.

#puts(messages : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil#


#section(message : String) : Nil#

Creates a section header with the provided message.

Some Message

Orange text with one empty line above/below the section.

#success(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


 [OK] Some Message

Black text on a 3 line green background block with an empty line above/below the block.

#table(headers : Enumerable, rows : Enumerable) : Nil#

Formats and prints a table based on the provided headers and rows, followed by a new line.

----- -------
 Foo   Bar
----- -------
 Biz   Baz
 12    false
----- -------

#text(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


Same as #puts but indented one space and an empty line above the message(s).

#title(message : String) : Nil#

Formats and prints message as a title.

Some Message

Orange text with one empty line above/below the title.

#vertical_table(headers : Enumerable, rows : Enumerable) : Nil#

Sames as #table, but vertical

#warning(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil#


 [WARNING] Some Message

Black text on a 3 line orange background block with an empty line above/below the block.