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class Athena::EventDispatcher::GenericEvent(S, V)
inherits Athena::EventDispatcher::Event #

An extension of AED::Event that provides a generic event type that can be used in place of dedicated event types. Allows using various instantiations of this one event type to handle multiple events.


This type is provided for convenience for use within simple use cases. Dedicated event types are still considered a best practice.


A generic event consists of a #subject of type S, which is some object/value representing an event that has occurred. #arguments of type V may also be provided to augment the event with additional context, which is modeled as a Hash(String, V).

  AED::GenericEvent(MyClass, Int32 | String).new(
    {"counter" => 0, "data" => "bar"}

Refer to AED::Event for examples of how listeners on events with generics behave.


Make this include Mappable when/if is implemented.


.new(subject : S, arguments : Hash(String, V))#

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.new(subject : S)#

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#[](key : String) : V#

Returns the argument with the provided key, raising if it does not exist.

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#[]=(key : String, value : V) : Nil#

Sets the argument with the provided key to the provided value.

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#[]?(key : String) : V | Nil#

Returns the argument with the provided key, or nil if it does not exist.

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#arguments : Hash(String, V)#

Returns the extra information stored with this event.

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#arguments=(arguments : Hash(String, V))#

Sets the extra information that should be stored with this event.

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#has_key?(key : String) : Bool#

Returns true if there is an argument with the provided key, otherwise false.

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#subject : S#

Returns the subject of this event.

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