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annotation Athena::EventDispatcher::Annotations::AsEventListener #

Can be applied to method(s) within a type to denote that method is an event listener. The annotation expects to be assigned to an instance method with between 1 and 2 parameters with a return type of Nil. The first parameter should be the concrete AED::Event instance the method is listening on. The optional second parameter should be typed as an AED::EventDispatcherInterface.

The annotation accepts an optional priority field, defaulting to 0, denoting the listener's priority

class MyListener
  # Single parameter
  def single_param(event : MyEvent) : Nil

  # Double parameter
  def double_param(event : MyEvent, dispatcher : AED::EventDispatcherInterface) : Nil

  # With priority
  @[AEDA::AsEventListener(priority: 10)]
  def with_priority(event : MyEvent) : Nil