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class Athena::MIME::Part::Text
inherits Athena::MIME::Part::Abstract #

Represents textual content a part of an email.

Direct known subclasses



.new(body : String | IO | AMIME::Part::File, charset : String | Nil = "UTF-8", sub_type : String = "plain", encoding : String | Nil = nil)#


#body : String#

Returns the raw contents of this part as a string. Use #body_to_s to get a properly encoded representation.

#disposition : String | ::Nil#

Controls the content-disposition header value for this part.

#disposition=(disposition : String | Nil)#

Controls the content-disposition header value for this part.

#media_sub_type : String#

Returns the media sub-type of this part. E.g. pdf within application/pdf.

#media_type : String#

Returns the media type of this part. E.g. application within application/pdf.

#name : String | ::Nil#

Returns the name of this part.

#name=(name : String | Nil)#

Returns the name of this part.

#prepared_headers : AMIME::Header::Collection#

Returns a cloned AMIME::Header::Collection consisting of a final representation of the headers associated with this message. I.e. Ensures the message's headers include the required ones.