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abstract class Athena::MIME::Part::AbstractMultipart
inherits Athena::MIME::Part::Abstract #

Base type of all multipart based parts.

Direct known subclasses

Athena::MIME::Part::Multipart::Alternative Athena::MIME::Part::Multipart::Digest Athena::MIME::Part::Multipart::Form Athena::MIME::Part::Multipart::Mixed Athena::MIME::Part::Multipart::Related


.new(parts : Enumerable(AMIME::Part::Abstract) = [] of AMIME::Part::Abstract)#

.new(*parts : AMIME::Part::Abstract) : self#


#media_type : String#

Returns the media type of this part. E.g. application within application/pdf.

#parts : Array(Athena::MIME::Part::Abstract)#

Returns the parts that make up this multipart part.

#prepared_headers : AMIME::Header::Collection#

Returns a cloned AMIME::Header::Collection consisting of a final representation of the headers associated with this message. I.e. Ensures the message's headers include the required ones.